Course Information

  • Prerequisites


  • Cost

    Individual Rate: €300.00 excluding VAT/TAX
    Group Rate: contact us for a group rate

  • Course Description

    The Process Mapping course will teach you to discover and map business processes to optimise Business Operations, improve governance, and meet compliance requirements. From the outset, we wanted this course to be about more than theory, and to be highly practical.

    Practical, and results oriented, the Map a Process course combines best process mapping tips and techniques with an opportunity for hands-on practice at applying your new mapping skills in a world-class Business Process Management System*/Change Intelligence Platform ( Today, over One Million processes have been mapped in Elements.

  • Included in This Course

    • Model answers to mapping exercises

    • Individual feedback on the final exercise  

    • Free access to the Map A Process Community for six months - a place where Process Mappers can ask questions, share experiences, and deepen their knowledge.

    • A process discovery toolkit that can be viewed, copied, and leveraged by learners for their own work  

    • An extended trial licence of 12 weeks to the Elements change platform, including all Elements features and support.  

  • Who Should Attend?

    This course is for anyone who wishes to learn how to perform process discovery and map a business process.  

    We map business process for five main reasons:

    • To manage activities and resources

    • To connect and collaborate with colleagues and external parties to drive innovation and continuous improvement  

    • To create a living breathing Operations Manual that has many uses such as the implementation of operational excellence; risk management; governance; and training. 

    • To create an As-Is foundation for business process improvement initiatives such as gathering requirements for automation development, or system implementation initiatives.  

    • For compliance with regulations or standards where mapping end-to-end services, and critical and important processes and their interdependencies is mandatory. 

    It makes sense, then to dedicate a course to this important topic….  

  • What You Will Achieve

    • A practical, working knowledge of process discovery, mapping, and publishing  
    • Conversion of your own procedure or SOP that can be shared with colleagues.

  • What You Will Learn

    • How to discover and map a business process from scratch 

    • How to convert a “traditional” text-based Standard Operating Procedure to a visual, engaging business process 

    • How to enhance and refine processes by attaching supporting content   

    • How to make connections to other processes 

    • Best process mapping practice, tips and techniques   

    • An understanding of the vocabulary and key definitions for process mapping  

    • An understanding of the different approaches to process modelling / mapping

  • Delivery Methodology

    This is an independent learning course, supplemented by: 

    • Individual feedback on submitted process mapping exercises 

    • A moderated on-line community forum to answer questions during and after the course

    • Elements change management platform 

    *Business Process Management System Definition

    A BPMS (Business Process Management System/Business Process Management Software) enables organisations/enterprises to discover, document/model, govern, implement, improve, and manage business processes, in pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement.  

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to Chapter 1

    2. What You Will Learn

    3. Curriculum Roadmap

    4. How to Navigate This Course

    5. Business Process Management System

    6. If You Need Help

    1. Welcome to Chapter 2

    2. Map the Process

    3. Why Bother?

    4. Reasons to Map/Model Business Processes

    5. Common Productivity Vampires

    6. Discrepancies in Standard Operating Procedures

    7. The Value of Business Processes

    8. Where to Start

    9. Additional Resources

    10. Chapter Completion

    1. Welcome to Chapter 3

    2. Key Definitions

    3. Chapter Completion

    1. Welcome to Chapter 4

    2. Process Notation Examples

    3. Process Notation Language Survey

    4. Chapter Completion

    1. Welcome to Chapter 5

    2. Create Your Elements Account

    3. "How To" Process Mapping Best Practices

    4. "How To" Elements Best Practices

    5. Chapter Completion

    1. Welcome to Chapter 6

    2. Introduction to Exercises

    3. Map a Process Exercise 1

    4. Checkpoint

  • 69 lessons