About Fishbone/Ishikawa Cause-and-Effect Analysis

The Ishikawa/Fishbone cause-and-effect tool is a valuable tool that encourages structured brainstorming and collaboration about the causes of an undesired effect, or problem. It's called a fishbone diagram because of its resemblance to the skeleton of a fish, with the problem statement at the "head" of the fish and the causes branching out like bones. Additionally, it provides a clear and concise way to communicate findings to stakeholders.

Widely used by Quality, Process and Business analysts as a critical part of Root Cause analysis (a systematic method used to identify underlying reasons or causes of problems or undesirable events), the fishbone is widely used in many sectors such as engineering, healthcare, manufacturing, IT and quality, and as an essential part of Root Cause Analysis (RCA).

Use the Fishbone method as a standalone tool, or in conjunction with other methods, e.g. 5Whys, DMAIC, PDCA etc.

The Fishbone/Ishikawa Toolbox

The Fishbone Toolbox contains everything you need to become proficient at cause-and-effect analysis

  • A Fishbone App to guide, store, and communicate your fishbone analysis

  • A free micro course that explains Fishbone analysis and how to perform it.

  • A Root Cause Analysis (RCA) paper that explains where and how cause-and-effect analysis fits in problem solving, quality programmes, process improvement projects, and continuous improvement

About the Fishbone App

A Microsoft certified Power App, the fishbone app guides and supports analysts and teams conduct cause-and-effect analysis.

  • Facilitates brainstorming and recording of possible causes
  • Structures possible causes into useful categories
  • Allows the team to add additional information, impact and frequency to prioritize investigation
  • Provides a dashboard for intelligent visualization and drill through to detail
  • Stores cause-and-effect workshop results for stakeholder communication and feedback

The fishbone app is also included in the "ANALYZE" phase of the DMAIC Power App.

Take the Fishbone/Ishikawa Course

A free micro course

Take this short course to understand Fishbone cause-and-effect analysis and how to perform it.

Better still, prepare your team by having them take the course before attending your cause-and-effect Fishbone analysis workshop.

Understand Root Cause Analysis

(Unlock the Secrets of Root Cause Analysis and Avoid Jumping to Conclusions)

Master Root Cause Analysis with our white paper.

Get Started!

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